Digital banking

Banqeta is transforming corporate banking by seamlessly integrating traditional and digital currencies into a single platform, enabling companies worldwide to buy, sell, spend, send, receive, and invoice in both forms effortlessly.

Image of Banqeta's digital banking platform.

All your digital banking needs
covered by one solution

We recognise the growing demand for seamless financial services in both traditional and digital currency markets. Say goodbye to the hassle of managing multiple accounts and platforms, and hello to effortless financial management with Banqeta. Whether you’re conducting transactions in traditional currency or utilising digital currency, our platform provides a user-friendly experience that simplifies banking for corporates everywhere.

Why operate in both forms of currency?

In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of diversifying their currency holdings to mitigate risks and seize opportunities. Operating in both traditional currency and digital currencies offers numerous benefits that empower businesses to thrive in a dynamic global economy.

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  • Icon for global reach and access

    Global Reach and Access

    Digital currency bypasses traditional banking fees and delays, enabling easier access to global markets, especially in areas with limited banking infrastructure.

  • Icon for reduced transaction fees

    Reduced Transaction Fees

    Digital currency transactions usually have lower fees than traditional methods, leading to cost savings, especially for high-volume or cross-border transactions.

  • Icon for faster transactions

    Faster Transactions

    Digital currency transactions process faster than traditional banking, improving cash flow, especially for speed-critical industries like e-commerce or trading.

  • Icon for increased security

    Increased Security

    Digital currency transactions, secured by cryptography, are more secure than traditional methods, reducing fraud, chargebacks, and identity theft risks.

  • Icon for diversification of revenue streams

    Diversification of revenue streams

    Accepting digital alongside traditional currencies diversifies revenue, mitigating risks from currency exchange rate fluctuations and economic conditions.

  • Icon for tech-savvy customers

    Appeal to Tech-Savvy Customers

    Accepting digital currency attracts tech-savvy customers, broadening the customer base and keeping businesses competitive.

  • Icon for borderless transactions

    Borderless Transactions

    Digital currency enables seamless cross-border transactions, free from traditional banking restrictions, helping businesses expand globally.

  • Icon for hedge against inflation

    Hedge Against Inflation

    Digital currencies, like Bitcoin, serve as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. Accepting them can help businesses protect assets during economic instability.

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Invoicing in Digital Currency

Unlock the benefits of digital currency with Banqeta's innovative approach. We celebrate the flexibility of conducting transactions in both traditional and digital currencies.

  • Experience the speed and efficiency of instant settlement by making payments in digital currency. These transactions are processed in real-time, eliminating the need for intermediaries and speeding up the payment process. Eliminate long waiting periods and enjoy instant access to funds, empowering your business to operate with greater agility and responsiveness.

  • Expand your business horizons and tap into new markets. Digital currency doesn’t have geographical boundaries, offering borderless transactions and access to a global customer base. Whether you're targeting international clients or exploring emerging markets, digital invoicing opens doors to new opportunities and facilitates seamless cross-border commerce.

  • Harness the potential for price appreciation invoicing in digital currency. Unlike traditional currencies, digital currencies have the potential to appreciate faster in value over time. By invoicing in digital currency, businesses can capitalise on potential price gains and enhance their bottom line. Position your business for long-term growth and prosperity.

Ready to transform your invoicing?

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Global availability and no transfer fees

Banqeta is available in more than 130 countries and provides digital banking services worldwide. If both you and your client use Banqeta, you can send and receive in the same currency without any fees. This makes it easier and free to pay bills and manage transactions, unlike traditional banks. With Banqeta, you can handle international business more cost-effectively and efficiently, helping you grow your business without worrying about high fees or where you are.

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Security measures

At Banqeta, security is our top priority. We employ state-of-the-art encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and continuous monitoring to ensure the safety of your funds and data. Our robust security measures undergo regular audits and updates to stay ahead of emerging threats, giving you peace of mind as you conduct your business transactions securely. 

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Coming soon!

Integration capabilities

Banqeta seamlessly integrates with leading accounting software and financial management tools. Whether you're managing your books, or analysing financial data, our platform offers effortless integration to streamline your operations. Spend less time on manual tasks and more time growing your business with Banqeta's flexible integration capabilities.

Revolutionise the way your business operates in the digital age.